What holds me back?

Why can I not access my full potential? What is holding me back? Mentally? Physically? Emotionally? What is it? Why does my mind have to be conditioned to run at the first sign of "failure"?

I have been raised believing that success comes at a cost... that cost is your happiness. I have also been raised to be concerned about what others think of me. Therefore, failure is not an option.

Right now, with the state my mind is in, I feel like a failure. But... why?

Why should I feel as if I have failed?

As a dear friend of mine told me today... She has, in her life, made a lot of mistakes, but she hasn't failed. She either succeeds or she learns. Never failing, but learning along the way... always.

Some days, some nights, some times in our lives, the quicksand of depression pulls at our ankles, and it pulls hard and fast. Wanting nothing more than to consume all things good in our lives.

Do you let it?

I have let it pull me in. Consume me. Engulf me. Suffocate me. Intoxicate me.

Tonight, I'm putting on my big girl shoes (a killer pair of fuzzy slippers, might I add) and trudging through the quicksand. I'm sick of being pulled down.

I am so much more than I mentally allow myself to be.

I cannot allow anyone to put a lid on the jar that is my potential. I have limitless potential... and open jar, if you will. Maybe not even a jar. I'd like to think of my potential and strength as beginning in a jar the size of a jar of baby food, and growing... growing so vastly and so strongly, that suddenly my potential is an endless field of limitless abilities and strengths, under a bright blue sky.
The soft moss-like grass beneath my feet to keep me grounded.
A tall oak tree behind me to remind me of my strength.
The whisper of possibilities on a gentle summer's breeze.

Some times, like tonight, our minds can be our worst enemy. But the power of positive thinking and some self-motivation can truly help you to get through that quicksand a little faster and invigorate you to become stronger than you have ever imagined.

So, let me ask... What is your potential? Is it a baby food jar? Is it a vast and expansive field of hopes and possibilities?

No matter what the size of your potential is... what holds you back from running forth and bursting from the jar and into the field? What?


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