A PSA on healthcare and prescription drugs.

"Hi! I would like to pick up my prescriptions today."

"Great! What is your name?"

"Jillian Anderson."

"One moment, please."


"Okay, that will be $60 for the anti-anxiety and... oh... $1,119 for the anti-depressant."

"WHAT?! But... I have insurance?"

"Well, ma'am, you also have a $2000 deductible on your insurance."

"I cannot afford that! How much is a one month supply?"

"Oh! Good news! The three month supply is a better deal. One month is approximately $600!"

"That is good news?!"

"Yes! You will be getting a better deal buying three months at a time!"


That was at the beginning of January. It is now nearly the middle of February and I still do not have my prescriptions. And if you have been around me when I do not have my medications, you know how freaking scary and important this is! 

My health insurance company is not working with or for me. They continuously tell me that I am in charge of making sure they approve the medication to be dispensed to me. Is that not some seriously messed up stuff?! 

My providers and pharmacists are trying to be helpful and as supportive as possible. They keep trying to provide me with more options to save money, however, the reality of it all is that Matt and I do not make enough money to afford healthcare and that healthcare is not covering what it should be covering to help us to survive. 

The system is flawed. It is beyond flawed. It is, pardon my language, but it is fucked up! 

We HAVE to have healthcare. We HAVE to work in order to afford healthcare. Healthcare is UNAFFORDABLE. And for those of us who are living with some type of illness or another, it is nearly impossible to survive. 

I told my mother today that if I did not have the support that I have access to in my life, I most likely would have committed suicide long ago. However, I consider myself to be very blessed with family, friends, a great support team - health wise, but I am also a middle class citizen. Because of this title, not only am I exempt from any type of savings some may receive, I also cannot afford what some may be able to.

I repeat, this system is FUCKED UP!

I am not worried about myself. Do not read this and think 'she's just having a big ol' pity party for herself!'


I am writing this to let someone who isn't as dependent on healthcare take a look through the looking glass and see what my day-to-day life consists of, and possibly, others' lives as well. 

People are suffering silently and they have been for far too long now. Damnit, I refuse to suffer silently anymore.

People are struggling. People are dying due to their struggles and the ongoing internal battles within their own minds. 

We have to stand up. We have to speak out and share our stories to end the stigma. To end the discrimination. To end the social injustice of it all!

Enough is enough!


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