Fill your cup!

Fill your cup!
What does that mean?

Well, every day you start out with a cup, whether it is half full, half empty, empty, full, anything, that is up to you and how you look at and react to the world around you and well as yourself.

My cup was over flowing the past two weeks. I have had so much that I was giving it away, which for me is not a difficult thing to do. I absolutely love to share my optimism and enthusiasm for life with people all of the time! It is an amazing feeling and very worthwhile.

This week, on the other hand, my cup has been emptying and not refilling the way it has in the past. I had to wonder why this was the case.

I was beginning to feel down on myself and those around me. I even noticed, when working, I was not talking up the products or myself, but rather I was talking the products and myself down to my clients. Not good.

Negativity and pessimism were seeping their way through the cracks of my slowly crumbling enthusiasm. They are two of my worst enemies. They are quick to take me down at any chance they can get and drag my limp and lifeless body into the darkness of my depression.

I woke up today and decided for myself "no more!"

I didn't want to feel this way any more. I don't want to become a victim of my negative thoughts the way I used to be. My depression is a part of me, yes, however, my depression does not define me.

So, I put on my big girl boots and went to work.

It ended up being such a rewarding appointment with a sweet friend. I felt relaxed and comfortable in my own skin. And I had realized that this appointment was not about me, but about her and how I could help to give her what was left in my cup.

As it turns out, by focusing less on myself and more on my supporters, friends, family, clients, customers (you name it!), I was able to not only give from my cup to hers, but I was able to fill my cup in the process as well.

And it all started with a personal change of attitude.

Have a great day, loves. Try to fill someone's cup today, or work on doing something that not only fills someone else's cup, but yours as well! I promise, it will be worth it.


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