Piss time.

So today has been semi-shitty. Not going to lie.

My friend wrote me a letter back and it was very frustrating. I didn't find it very relevant to the letter I wrote to her.

On to the worst part of my day...

So I'm already kind of frustrated and upset about the letter, when I have to leave (and I didn't want to) and go to a new psychiatrist appointment... for TWO HOURS! UGH! Talk about annoying, but whatever... I'll give it a chance.

So, I get there on time and wait 5 minutes to talk to someone... The poor receptionist, I can tell someone is just pissed at her over the phone. I can relate. So I finally get to talk to her and she's very nice, but doesn't really seem to know what she is doing. The first thing out of her mouth is how my doctor is ALWAYS late and that I should get used to it now. Joy.

So I sit down and begin the paperwork process that takes an hour. During this time I notice that the receptionists are apologizing a lot on the phones and then hang out and mouth words that aren't so hard to read lips to one another. Yeah... Pretty sure you didn't say "vacuum" or "betcha".

Then these two people come in and are told they are over half an hour late for their appointment. At most places, they would have to reschedule, but here I guess that's not the case. So they hunker down and start waiting. At this point, it has been an hour and I am waiting too.

Then, some people come in and choose to sit directly next to me in an empty waiting room with just three people in it. Then they decide to start complaining about where they are at and how bad the service is... Great sign, right? Then why come back? I'm really jazzed up about this place now.

Then the people who were late get called back. And I sit and wait. This old guy brings out the people who were half an hour late... 30 minutes later!!! By the time I get called back, there should be twenty minutes left of my appointment... Not a whole hour. Do they really think I can just wait around for this crap?

So, I go in and meet my psychiatrist. He's older than my dad, over weight, and I am not getting good vibes from him. There are patient files spread all over his desk. Some I could easily read, but I have ethics and chose not to. Nothing hanging on the walls, not even his diplomas. Then there's this dusty old book case jam packed with paper and files... Just so icky and unorganized... Not like me at all.

He looks at me and asks me why I transferred and I say to him, "Shut the door". He asks me why and I say due to the HIPPA Privacy Policy, I will not answer anything within earshot of anybody else. That's against my rights as a patient. He looks at me, says "I have to pee. I don't get breaks." Gets up, and walks out.

I start thinking about how I have to talk about being sexually abused with this man and the bile rises in my throat. I am disgusted by him and I can't do this. So I left.

I was almost in hysterics. I couldn't even tell them why I left, I just left. They called me while I was driving home and I told them what an awful experience it was, and how uncomfortable I was, and how he just walked out on me to pee. The lady responded how she was not going to apologize for any of it, and I told her, "Like hell you aren't! This is your job! You are the first and last person everyone sees and talks to at this company, it is your job to make them feel welcome, and safe... Especially for people with mental illnesses! I refuse to come back, I will see my other psychiatrist and I will not pay for this because I did not receive any treatment." CLICK! I hung up on her. OHHHHH I WAS SO LIVID!!!!

I've decided to report it to the psychiatry board, or something like that. It just was not okay. So many ethical issues.

It makes me so sad, because psychiatry is so vital for people with mental illnesses, but the healthcare system and sometimes the clinic's system itself is just messed up and is guilty of malpractice.

Now I'm just sad.


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