To the girls...

This post is dedicated to my girls...

To the girl who is always honest with me, and has taught me about faith and God.
To the girl who enjoys having fun, and serious heart-to-hearts.
To the girl who has been on my side since day one.
To the girl who is driven, and extremely loving.
To the girl who has big plans, and a bright future...

To the girl who stays up all night with me to have hilarious drunken talks.
To the girl who is always down for a good time.
To the girl who calls me up when she knows I'm down.
To the girl with confidence radiating off of her, and some seriously killer dance moves.
To the girl who I know will be extremely successful in life...

You two are my best friends, and I love you more than words can describe. My heart is so full and content with you two in it.
Thank you for always being at my birthdays, for talking to me when I'm down or when Matt and I are not happy with one another, for coming up to Crosslake with us to celebrate our anniversaries, for being at our wedding, for always knowing how to have fun, and for just being you!
I love you and you have touched my life more than you know!

So, here's to the girls!


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