Just another manic... Wednesday?

Sooooo manic again. If this post comes off kind of ramble-like that's because I have been up since 2:45PM on Tuesday. I am on a bad sleep cycle due to my mania. It's easy to stay up late for me and sleep in, but it's really difficult to get back on going to bed early and waking up early.

Well, I have a brilliant idea, considering my sleeping pills do not work... I'm staying up all night so that way I get tired today around 7-8. I know it doesn't sound brilliant, but trust me, when you're desperate, you'll do anything! And making pancakes at 2:45AM for my husband... yeah I'm desperate at this point.

New topic... Lots of thoughts.

I weighed in yesterday with my coach and friend. It was so fun and I felt so good about it. I lost 1.2 pounds, gained around 2 pounds of muscle, and lost 7.75 inches (basically at least an inch in every spot measured except my hips) from all over my body! And I can tell too! And I feel amazing!!!

However, this awful sleep schedule has been making it difficult to go to the gym. I am one of those people who gets tired for 15 minutes after working out, but quickly becomes super energized and ready to go! Working out at night, when you are trying your best to fall asleep... Not the best idea for me.

A friend reached out to me yesterday. I haven't heard from her in a while now and it really meant a lot. I'm worried that she will be upset about my blog, but I'm doing this for me. I just hope she can understand that, and realize how much I love and miss her.

On the other hand, I have a lot of friends that I've actually become closer to for writing my blog. It's really awesome! I don't expect anyone to read... I love that people find my life interesting enough to read this, but when my friends tell me they've read... It just opens my eyes to how lucky I am to have them in my life.

And to the friends that don't read... That's just fine too!

I've been feeling really lucky and blessed lately to have the people who are in my life, here. Family, friends, you name it! When you are teaching yourself how to care for yourself and love yourself it's great to have such an amazing support system.

In the words of one of my favorite theme songs that I will have memorized until the day I die...
Thank you for being a friend.


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